Battening down the hatches before heading out – Keeping the home safe while away

We all think about when to go, where to go, and what we will do while we are gone, but do we take the time to think about keeping our home safe while on the road.  This is as important as the trip itself and especially since as we get older so many of us or our loved ones travel for extended periods of time leaving the home fires cold.  We all know the don’t post pictures or “Hey look what a good time I’m having” on Facebook etc. but what else do we need to do?  The SimpliSafe Winter Travel Checklist provides details that we just don’t think about.

Outside the home, SimpliSafe recommends shoveling the drive in the event of snow, moving outdoor keys to a safer location, and parking the car in the garage. Inside the home they also have some items on the checklist.  SimpliSafe says to turn off and unplug all electronics.  After having a storm come through once while I was out and having my entire server wiped clean, I can attest to this.  Inside they also say to set some lights to timers, close the shades, and turn off the water and gas.  The water I think would depend on if pipes could freeze, but it is something to consider.

They also recommend cleaning the home before setting sail or renting a condo for a couple of months.  One good point from both a safety and keeping your family healthy is to clean out the refrigerator.  This may keep some of the green mold that is so unappealing from accumulating.  After cleaning out the refrigerator, they recommend turning up the thermometer in the refrigerator.  Wash the dishes and clean out the sink is another recommendation.

As far as protecting your house, SimpliSafe has a few more items on their checklist.  They recommend moving valuables to a safety-deposit box and updating the security alarm if you have one with a correct contact number.   I guess if you don’t, they are recommending that having one is a good idea.  Then they also say, be sure to set the alarm.  For more information on their systems, you can check them out here.  Then they also say, be sure to set the alarm.

This idea, make sure all doors and windows are locked is a simple one, but a good one.  How often do you make the rounds and find a window is not locked shut?  It has happened to me and it is a tip I will be sure to follow even if just leaving the house for a trip to town.  Why welcome burglars in with a wide open window or door?

Our home is probably our most valuable asset, yet we often don’t think about the importance of keeping it safe while on the road.  Thanks to SimpliSafe for sharing these great ideas with me so I could impart them to you.  For more information, check out their website website here.

Disclosure.  I did not receive any compensation for this blog and all opinions are my own.

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