The John Deere 60 crawler created by Tim Sweeney- Picture by Keith Ladage
We came, we went, we saw and we marveled at many things at the 2013 Half Century of Progress, but Tim Sweeney’s creation of a 60 John Deere crawler was one of the most amazing. As a kid Tim lived on a farm with both a JD 60 and a 420 crawler. After using both to remove an old elm tree, he told his dad, “If we had a 60 on tracks, that would be a real machine.”
Since Deere didn’t make one, Tim decided years after this thought crossed his mind to create one himself. A JD mechanic, Tim had the know how and the talent to see this through. Our friend Bud Redeford had been following the progress of this tractor for quite some time. He was on a mission to see it at the show.
After we spied it, I saw why Bud wanted to find this masterpiece. Although I don’t know what shows Time Sweeney may have this at in the future, by looking online you can watch this on youtube and travel by computer to Tim’s and watch him work his magic on this amazing machine!