Margery Adams Wildlife Sanctuary, an urban oasis

Margery Adams Wildlife Sanctuary, an urban oasis

I can’t say how many times I have driven by Adams Wildlife Sanctuary on Clearlake and wondered about the place. This past Friday I had a bit of time before a meeting and decided to stop by. Trying to implement more culture and movement into my life this seemed to be the perfect place to start. The house built in 1859 was as much a draw for me as the woodland itself.

Once I stepped across the threshold Illinois Audubon Society Executive Director, Tom Clay greeted me and offered a quick tour. Mr. Clay told me all about Margery Adams and her life on what was a truck farm and fruit orchard. Born on the property, she lived out her life there and upon her death donated the home and land to the Society of which she was a member of.

The family tree was filled with history like her great grandfather who came from New York with a shady past and was a political rival of Abraham Lincoln. His is a story that I think will fill another article at another time!

The family thrived and lived on this piece of property that through Margery Adams fore site is still being enjoyed by visitors today. After touring the beautiful home and expanded Illinois Audubon Society headquarters I ventured out on the path hoping to catch the birds that Tom Clay said were migrating from South America for a 3-day period . He said they flew at night and rested and ate during the day. I don’t think my eye was trained enough to catch anything but birdsong and the flutter of wings, but I did catch this lovely woodpecker while looking out.

I want to grab my grandchildren and traverse the paths with them and share the wonder of an urban sanctuary and hope to pass on a bit of love for the outdoors at the same time. The sanctuary is located at 2315 Clear Lake Avenue, Springfield, Illinois. Call 217-544-2473 for more information.

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  1. Margery Adams Youngquist

    Hi, Cindy –
    I see you visited the Sanctuary 2 yrs. ago. We are going to visit tomorrow, weather permitted. I discovered this Sanctuary when I wanted to leave a donation in memory of my son’s mother in law who loved birds & died of cancer last year. I will admit that I chose this Sanctuary because of it’s name – Margery Adams Wildlife Sanctuary. Ive always loved wildlife and my birth name is Margery Adams. The spelling of Margery is not used as often as Marjorie so to see my spelling of Margery was quite amazing but then with my maiden name too~!? I could hardly believe it. I can find no family connection but it is so interesting to find my name on a Sanctuary.

    1. Cindy

      Margery, I hop you had a great visit, I thought the place was lovely. The name is too! What a neat coincidence.