Beautiful fountain my focus while picking at the Litchfield Picker’s Market

When out and about, take a minute to look around, you will never know just what you will see!
This May, was our first local picking foray this spring and it was a doozey. The Litchfield Picker’s Market is located in downtown Litchfield, Illinois and is held the 2nd Sunday of the month. The market has grown in leaps and bounds since last year and this year we found some great items, plus saw some local favorites like Hobo Jack and Jim Ballinger who always has something John Deere Keith can’t resist.
While we picked up some kitchen items, a few bangle bracelets and a farm item for the hubby, but it was the recently finished fountain that really caught my eye. The Litchfield Chamber of Commerce took two years to raise funds to turn on the fountain that was completed in July of 2015. This was my first glimpse at the beauty and I must say I think it is lovely. Is there anything more attractive in a downtown that art, architecture or a mural or two? Downtown Litchfield is full of many items, the former Elk club deer, the lovely clock on the store corner, but this fountain dances and sings and catches ray’s of light, delighting all who pause a moment to take a look .