A Little Holiday Fun

The holiday season is upon us and one of the best ways to get yourself in the mood is to attend a holiday event or two! This past weekend, my husband and I along with my sister and brother-in-law went to Memorial Medical Center’s Festival of Trees. The trees, wreaths, centerpieces and gingerbread houses are on display. Purchases and monies for admission all got to a good cause, a local charity.
The entire Orr building, a large building at the Illinois State Fair Grounds is converted into a winter wonderland. There is a train ride and of course Santa! Kids can enjoy a cookie or two and can try their hand at crafts as well. I have taken the grand kids in the past and they enjoyed themselves immensely!
We had fun wondering through the festival picking out our favorite trees and even taking time to pose next to them once or twice. I think much to my families embarrassment I made them all pose with Santa. It was evening and no tykes were waiting in line so I thought why not. I won’t tell what I told Santa I want, although most anyone that knows me knows that there was probably the T word involved somewhere in the conversation.
The night was fun and this is just one of the local events available to choose from. Whether selecting something in your own backyard, or making a trip of it, getting out and enjoying a few festive events marks the season and opens you up to some holiday enjoyment. Too often the holiday is a rush affair of buying and checking off the list. While I do have my list, I am trying to carve out some enjoyment time to remember what Christmas and right now, Thanksgiving, is all about.
Take off your grown up suit for an hour or two and do like the kids and celebrate the season with all the unfiltered joy it and you deserve. Let me know what you did to get your holiday fix. I’ll be waiting to hear!