Fall in Love Date Night In A Box Fun

So! Tonight we had our second Date Night in a Box. We had the Fall in Love box, that I received to review. What fun!
It took us a while to have time to fit in this date night. We had a birthday (mine, but I’m not telling how OLD), and travel last week. But we enjoyed the Fall in Love box to the fullest. While I was going to make the wonderful cheddar & Thyme biscuit pot pie recipe included in the box, Keith had other ideas. My Thanksgiving dinner loving husband had tried to enjoy the Thanksgiving feast at a local diner Jo’s Place in our nearby town at lunch today. At the diner he learned they were serving it tonight. Big sacrifice. I didn’t cook. We went out for a pre-Thanksgiving meal with all the fixings. I know, what a hard knock life I had tonight!
We dined early like the old people we are. Almost every table was reserved and we barely squeezed in to get our dinner. The waitress that had waited on Keith earlier recognized him. “You are back I see,”. she said. That set the tone for our wonderful meal. I filled my plate much more than I could eat. Thankfully my appetite was smaller than my eyes for my waistline!
Setting the Tone!
At home, we opened up our box and got started. We used our own music. We put on a fun old time tape of Leroy Parnell. He is a country crooner from way back. When we got rolling on creating our very own candle we were talking about the theme for that craft, Harvest. While for many doing this date night, harvest represents what they did in the past and how they are enjoying the benefits of that action now. But, for us, as farmers, we just completed harvest. So the joy for us is that the crop is out of the fields!
The crafts.
The candle smelled quite good. It took concentration on both our parts to melt the wax. Then it required Keith’s dexterity to get the wick to stand up. I must say, I think we did a good job! Next we need to burn our great creation!

The second part of the craft was to create a wood circle. Thankfully the Date Night in a Box people keep the crafts simple for couples like us. Using a stamp pad, we made a thumb print. Keith thought a heart with our initials and the date we were married was fitting. This NIB thing is bringing out a romantic side I love in him. It is not always easy to get him to commit to the time to do this. We are finding though, that once we nail down a period of time and do the projects, we are getting closer and enjoying TV off, and concentrating on one another’s fun side.

I made hot chocolate for our treat. On this cold November evening it was perfect. Feeling very thankful after our pre-Thanksgiving Day meal and fun crafts that we made and didn’t destroy, we set out for Fall in Love Bunco. When one of us would Bunco, (or our version of Bunco anyway) we would say what made us fall in love with one another. Since we got married in 1980, it was neat that ideas still are flowing! We enjoyed the game. Loved the music and survived the crafts. Best of all though was the piece of time out of the day set aside for one another. Time that was just for one another without an agenda. The only agenda was us!
That’s what the Date Night In a Box is all about. You too can have your very own box log onto https://www.datenightinbox.com/ to find out more.