Gratitude Date Night!

Note, I received a Date Night in a Box free for Review.
Tonight my husband Keith and I went out to dinner before an abbreviated Date Night in a Box fun. With the holiday season time has been limited. There has been a lot of family activities requiring our time and attention and a shared steak dinner at Longhorn out on the town was much needed. The meal out rather than in allowed for catching up and a chance to enjoy one another’s company.
Date Night in a Box Give Thanks!
When we arrived home from our wonderful meal it was time for our Date Night In. The theme of this box was Give Thanks. This box arrived between Thanksgiving and before Christmas reminding me there is so much to Be Grateful for!
At dinner, we actually did the first part of the Date Night sharing with one another what we are thankful for. I am so thankful that Keith allows me time for family. He is generous with all things, but even with time, both his and mine, which I truly appreciate.
Fun Time!

Next was time to make the ice cream. I have never made homemade ice cream. It was fun to put it together. I especially liked that it was not a huge amount. Shaking the bag of items and seeing it turn into ice cream was fascinating!
I am diabetic so I cannot have a large amounts of sweets. We made the ice cream.When completed, we added the advised caramel sauce, but left out the cider apple float aspect (too much sugar for me) and added a few pecans making a small Sundae the perfect topper to our evening.
It was also a bit of fun using our daughters fun face glasses as well!

Thank You Board
By now, it was later at night, and I created the board as a surprise for Keith in the morning. My board shared what I am so grateful for. I am thankful for him, just being him. Hopefully when he sees it in the morning, he will know I mean it and see the message for the simple thank you it is!

There is a game that we will play in the future when times are not as crazy called Gratitude Slam. I look forward to taking time to enjoy playing this game with my husband/date and finding more ways to thank him for simply being him!
If you haven’t looked into the Date Night in a Box line, I recommend it as a great way to enjoy date nights in. Sometimes weather, health, kids, grandkids, finances or other reasons keep you from going out. There is no reason the romance and fun can’t come right to your door!
Check out both the Date Night In and Kids Night In! You will be glad you did!