Mid-America Gateway Farm Toy Show a done deal.

Every year we look forward to the Mid-American Gateway Farm Toy Show and this year was not any different. The farm toy show is in its 38th year and we have been going so long I can’t remember when we started.
The show was held at the Sheraton Westport in St. Louis, Missouri and is located near several restaurants like the Train Wreck and the amazing Paul Mineo’s Trattoria.

Why do we go?
We go to the farm toy show to see old friends and make new ones. Keith goes to the farm toy show to find items he’s been looking for. He also goes for parts to finish projects. I go to write about what I see, and to view new and different things in the farm toy arena.
So, what did see?

At the farm toy show I saw Jim Vieweg’s amazing Big Bud with tracks that he built. He placed the very cool tractor on his wife Jenny’s lazy susan so it could be seen in a 360 degree view.
Jim dreamed this up, then found out that there really is a picture of it from the 2016 Farm Progress Show. That made it more real. Knowing this, he wanted to create something new and different. This model was not for sale, just something cool for visitors to see when they walked into his room.

In another room I saw a very cool memento. It was a Sesquicentennial piece from the International Harvester plant in Canton Illinois of the whistle called the Big Toot. I got a kick out of this really neat piece.

One of my favorite parts of the farm toy show is the farm layouts. I absolutely loved Darryl Cox’s display of his tribute to the Farmall Cub. Using a real cardboard sign, he created a display with several real International Harvester pieces. Those that like Farmall Red can real all about it in an upcoming issue of Red Power!
What Else?
Best of all at the farm toy show though was seeing friends new and old. We met up our friends the Elliotts and had dinner at our usual place along with Sherry Schaefer who was able to come for a short stint before heading out.
Keith’s brother Craig and their school friends Curt and Russell have found the magic of toys. Although Russell was already a collector, Curt has become enameled with trains and Craig with corvettes. I think we have a couple new converts. I see new purchases in their future!
A Wrap

Everything wasn’t rosy for this farm toy show though. Judy Debatin, President of the Gateway Club passed away in December leaving show members devastated. Other members of the club have suffered sickness and age is taking its toll on beloved members.
Time catches up to all of us and it makes me realize just how precious every moment of every day is. Be sure to tell those you love that you love them, and enjoy each special event because those moments may not come again. This show is now a done deal. Sianara until next year!
Note my table was provided over the course of the three day event.
Marie Hernandez
I very much enjoyed reading this post! It’s full of information on an event I wouldn’t have known about had I not read your post.
Thanks it is a different event that is full of fun and a differnt type of art and skill!