Illinois State Fair Traditions

state fair traditions

Illinois State fair traditions, everyone has them! What are yours? I will share a few of ours. While heading to the 2024 Illinois State Fair this year to provide coverage for Farm World, my husband Keith and I were keeping our eyes out for agriculture as usual. While watching for ag sites, we had to make a few deviations for old times’ sake.

The butter cow.

Keith, aka Mr. Farmer has to stop and see the butter cow. If he doesn’t see it, the state fair visit is a bust for this traditionalist. I usually attend the Wednesday, a day ahead of the Illinois State Fair’s unveiling. This year I missed it and just saw the cool sculpture crafted from 500 pounds of unsalted butter, Saturday during our visit. This butter cow is the 103rd butter cow at the Illinois State Fair. For the 8th time, sculptor Sarah Pratt of Iowa completed her magic. The image this year depicts the cow next to a magician pulling a seven-scoop ice cream cone from a hat. This goes with the 2024 fair’s theme, “It’s Showtime!”

The food!

The Illinois State Fair is all about the food! Lunch for Keith was in the amazing Pork Producer’s tent where he had a pork chop on a stick. I fell for the New Orleans shrimp basket, and we split an amazing beignet! Next on his tradition list was a box of black walnut taffy from McMeens. The McMeens State Fair Taffy is a saltwater taffy that’s been in business for more than 50 years


While most years, we head out to see antique tractors on display at the fair, this year we stuck to the new ones!

Agriculture Tent

The ag tent and Illinois food products is always a draw for us. This year we saw friend Susan from Trinity Lutheran Church in Auburn, Illinois helping out at the Illinois Wine booth.

What Else?

While we didn’t try any rides out this year, we could see everyone enjoying them!

We listened to music with friends and even had a chance to check out a few new signs!

Bee grateful was the sign, and we are. We are grateful for a fair that continues to please, support agriculture and offer a variety of entertainment options! These are a few of our traditions, what are yours?

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  1. Francisco

    Love a great summer fair! That Ring of Fire ride looks epic!

  2. Cindy Ladage

    I will take the sky ride any day, or the Ferris wheel, but that one takes a bit more courage than this girl has! It is amazing. I too love a great summer fair, and this one has special traditions that make it a summer must attend!