Keep your Home, Ranch and Farm Safe During Travel!

Whether heading out for a day trip, or an extended trip, do you have home, ranch and farm safety plans. In today’s world, it is smart to think ahead and try to protect your property when on the road. Recently my husband Keith and I have been taking farm safety more seriously and working to install ways to be safe while on the road. Below are things we have added, along with advice from local law enforcement, insurance professionals, and friends.

Defend Camera’s By Tactacam
I received two cameras’ from Tactacam to try out and share results with my readers. Defend Cellular Security Camera, thankfully for this grandma they are simple to install, and they offer phone assistance which I used, and needed. The cameras protect us when we are home, and our farm safe when we are away.

Tactacam uses a cellular connection instead of Wi-Fi, which I like because living in the country, you never know when Wi-Fi may go out. The Defend Security Cameras are made for large properties, remote locations, construction sites, boat and RV sites, so living on a farm, this suits our needs perfectly. The battery powered operation means no outlets or wall-power are needed.

They convey images by a cellular signal. They handle weather, and I know this for a fact because we had ours up during the recent mega rain! Ours were set up during two trips, one to St. Louis and St. Charles, and then another to Dyersville for the National Farm Toy Show.
What we found has been eye opening. We could see people drive in and out, which was reassuring, and we saw lots of wildlife. I had no idea that at night, these creatures (possums, racoons, skunk, rabbit) and even a coyote !!!! come so close to the house.

After seeing this, I just ordered a solar pest pack that hopefully will keep them at bay! I will let you know how it works! I love having these cameras, they add a level of protection we didn’t have before.
Advice from law enforcement!
Pawnee, Illinois Police Chief Barclay Harris has been with the Village of Pawnee police force since1995, and he had some tips to stay safe when traveling. “Cameras, and Ring Doorbells, are a great thing to have,” Chief Harris said. “It is also good to have a neighbor or family member stop by and check while traveling.”
The Pawnee Police Department offers a home check when traveling. He recommended that when heading out of town to give the local law enforcement a heads up and see if they will do a drive by. “I don’t know who all does this, but a lot of law enforcement agencies offer this,” Chief Harris said.
Also, he said, “Lock your stuff up, and have lights on a timer,” adding that gangs have been prevalent traveling from one part of the state to another taking items from unlocked homes, buildings, vehicles and more. Locking up includes making sure all doors and windows in the house, and outbuildings are secure.
Advice from Country Financial.
Our insurance agent Steve O’Dell of Country Financial said that cameras that come straight to your home or smart devices burglary systems, that will give a phone call to the local police are amazing. He advises o have cameras at all entry doors to your home. If it goes directly to police department, or 911 that is also great. “With technology it is easy to get them today and affordable. Steve personally uses and recommends Barcom Security.
In a recent article 6 Ways to Protect Your Home When You Travel, produced by Country Financial, they offer a few words to the wise for when you head out.

“Stash your stuff in a safe. Before you leave, place your valuables in a locked safe or safe deposit box…” They suggest a possible pet/house sitter for when you go. If you don’t want someone around 24/7, consider Chief Harris’s suggestion of having a friend or neighbor come by. If you are going to travel for an extended time, stop your mail so packages don’t fill up and the mailbox isn’t overflowing.
Protection from other things like smoke and water is also important. “Burglars aren’t the only thing to worry about while you’re away. Installing safe home technology can help you keep an eye on your home from afar.” They suggest items like smoke alarms, garage sensors, and water detection that send alerts to your phone. Thermometers that can be monitored by phone can help regulate the temperature. My son-in-law shared a water detection device Roost Water Sensors, that we placed in the basement which is helpful. Years ago, we learned the hard way too that sump pumps are not always covered in general house policies, and it is worthwhile to add a rider for sump pump coverage.
Extra Advice!
Another protection article suggested a home safety issue important for snowbirds. Insulate pipes in vulnerable areas like attics, basements, and crawlspaces. “In cold weather, you can set your thermostat to at least 55°F and have a neighbor check on your pipes. Unplug electronics and appliances to prevent damage from power surges.”
Keeping the lawn up during extended travel is also suggested. Overgrown grass etc. can alert burglars you are gone. Friends and family along with this article also share to be sure not to post on social media your whereabouts while the house is empty. Wait until returning home from a trip to post those glorious vacation photos.
Friend suggestions!
Friends suggested parking a vehicle in front of the house and having someone move it from place to place while gone. Another extended the social media post to include the comment, “Do not mention that you go to certain places each year at a certain time.”
Tractor show pics and travel plans to favorite tractor shows, will have to wait until after we get home!

If you have livestock or pets, like another friend mentioned when his neighbor comes to check on his cows, that they also come by his place to check on it as well. Having someone drive in and out, especially when snow is on the ground is theft prevention. Besides the Ring Doorbell and Defend camera, Blink cameras that go to the phone were also mentioned.

Another tip I saw online is to hide the extra key, you also may want to change the garage door code if many people know what it is.
Including safety features as part of your travel plans will pay off in the long run. What tips do you have? Travel safe, protect your home and your valuables, and the trip and return will be a more enjoyable experience.
Javier Sanchez
Great tips especially for those of us who go away often! Hadn’t though of the snow track tip!
Cindy Ladage
I thought everyone had some great tips! I hadn’t thought about the snow either!