Havencrest Castle, Guest Post by Janna Seiz

My friend Janna Seiz had been telling me about the beautiful Havencrest Castle for over a year now. She talked about its beauty, but most of all about the love story of the couple that built it. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it was the perfect time for Janna, who has written with me off and on for years, to tell her tale


The entire interior of Havencrest Castle is a canvas devoted to a love story. Our cousins, Becky and Dave Pleshe had been telling us we need to come visit them and the Castle for several years now.  They have been several times and each time they tell us they make new discoveries in this treasure.  We finally got time to enjoy this treat last May. 

Dave and Becky and Denny and Janna touring Havencrest.

The exterior architecturally befits a castle with strength of character and romantic grace.  It escapes the austerity of some European castles with its mantle of lush gardens surrounding it.  Even with the peaceful beauty of the gardens in bloom the exterior gives little preparation for what is inside or how it came to be.   

The story behind Havencrest Castle

It started with a very young man catching sight of his fair maiden.  Fate worked its magic bringing them together much later, first as kindred heart friends, and eventually as a couple deeply in love.  The theme of their lives together was “Sempre Nos”, Latin for “Always Us” or   was their expression for “Love and marriage going on beyond life” 

Adrianne’s Story

Adrianne’s story is one of a princess from an old family with money and expectations that she would marry the man her mother chose for her and live the life they expected.    She gave up her family fortune, rebelled at the constraints of her pre-planned life, and in her adventures found her prince.  Ironically, her prince’s story included being a frog. 

Alan St. George’s story

Alan St. George knew the young lady he saw out of the bus window would be someone special.  Before they would come together as friends, he discovered his own creative abilities.  That started when he and his cousin were hired to dress in frog costumes and hand out fliers for the horror movie, “FROGS” in 1972. It wasn’t much of a job, but they were in need of work.  Alan was so unimpressed by the frog masks they were given that he created his own much more realistic frog helmet.  Out of this experience he taught himself to create other such creature costumes and laid the foundation for his company, Facemakers, Inc. Many of the mascots for schools and professional sports teams have been Alan’s creations.   It remains a thriving business. 

Falling in love!

Adrianne and Alan corresponded for several years, becoming close friends, sharing their triumphs and disappointments and eventually their feelings.  This became their love story and the theme of their lives. Adrianne’s dream was a fairytale wedding that would rival anyone’s imagination.  The grand affair was just the start of their long collaboration and a wonderful portent of things to come. 

The mansion.

Life was an amazing creative process that they channeled first into a beautiful old mansion in need of reclamation.  Each room was a different expression of their love, though portraits of Adrianne seemed to be Alan’s joy throughout.  The rooms became a reflection of the many aspects of their love and every nook and cranny became a part of a grand gallery.  They filled this home then pulled a second mansion into what was, with many additions, to become their castle.  They indulged in wonderful floral, cherubic fantasies with skies full of heavenly little angels, as well as portals that were carved as mighty angels.  Stained glass peacocks flanked Adrianne’s Peacock thrown in yet another room. 

It is difficult to paint with words how Adrianne and Alan wove together all aspects of each room.  You do best to experience them firsthand.  Alan is not only a vivid and accomplished painter but also sculpts in a variety of materials.  Between the pair of lovers, they pulled each room together into three-dimensional works of art.  Adrianne brought color and fabric together into luscious gowns to compliment herself, each room, and to deck guests for parties of friends in Arabian Nights array. 

Tragedy strikes

Sadly, not all in their small town of Savanna, Illinois accepted or understood their creative lifestyle.  There were attacks on the home to harass the St. George’s, mostly carried out by young thugs with loud cars and violent attempts at intimidation. One of these led to such fright that Adrianne lost their baby and never had another.  Later in life they, particularly Adrianne, turned her maternal instincts to her pets and became a wonderful benefactor to the local animal shelter. 

Alan built more secure surroundings for them both and they continued to flourish in their deep love for each other.  


Touring, you can find yourself in a beautiful undersea grotto or down a hall with carved castle walls of medieval grandeur or in a room replete with Egyptian style.  The tenderest room is Alan’s chapel where Adrianne’s ashes lie in what could easily pass for Heaven’s nave.  She passed from this world but left her mark on all that Alan continues to create.  She is everywhere in their home where Alan still lives and holds to the spirit of his beloved Adrianne. 

It is an amazing home to visit for the sheer beauty is overwhelming.  Kindly, Alan St. George opens their home to visitors to tour on weekends in May and October. At the end of the tour, it is not unusual to be met by Mr. St. George and his gentle giant, Prince Jesse, a retired greyhound.   It is indeed a treasure worth exploring.  You may find information about Havencrest Castle on their website, or by calling 1-815-273-3900 or emailing havencrestcastle@icloud.com.

Havencrest Castle is located at 140 N. 5th Street, Savannah, Illinois. 

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  1. Rev. Richard Harre

    Thanks Cindy. And especially thank you to Janna. Great read and report. Never heard of this.

    1. Cindy Ladage

      It is on our list to visit to Pastor, it sounds lovely!