Love yard art? Come to Salem, Illinois!

Yard art is a funny thing. Like all art, either people take to it or not so much. I adore it! Richard Pollard started decorating his yard with his yard art about 25 years ago. Richard’s art tends to run in the auto category which makes sense because that has been his line of business for the past 40 years. His car dealership is right next to the house where he and his wife decorate their yard for their and the public’s enjoyment. This 1957 Chevy has the names of many visitors that have stopped by and admired Richard’s efforts. His favorite yard art is his bumper yard.
Keith and I stopped there today after an 11-year absence. We learned that Mr. Pollard had passed in 2017, but his son-in-law is still keeping the place up and running. He said it is one of the 25 most popular yard art stops around! The yard art began with the bumper collection, we loved the view of the Bumper Guard!

Our favorite though was and still is the airplane! We come to Salem to go to the local antique tractor show, Antique Power Days where we always find something interesting!

Richard’s artwork is located on North Broadway next to the closed Pollards Motor Sales in Salem, Illinois. Just Park and Richard initially, and how his son-in-law, said walk around and admire!