Lynn Huyear’s a fun stop

Keith and I were out and about on our way home from his birthday lunch at Wittmond’s Hotel in Brussels, Illinois when he said we needed to make a stop at a farm near Carlinville at Lynn Huyear’s. It was a hot day and I had never met Lynn, but we are always up for new tractor friends and new places to visit.
Keith is helping plan a tractor drive that Bill Miller is putting together along Route 66 in 2017 and he and Lynn were going to talk about it so we diverted and found a gem of a farm and a great collection. What I loved about Lynn’s place, besides his neat old iron of course, was the way he has used items to repurpose. Beneath his sign he used a grill on the side of the shed. He created a really neat bench from a Chevy tailgate and tire rims.
Basically an IH guy, Lynn had a variety of tractors and lots of trucks. His shop office was decorated with IH items like farm toys and a very neat IH thermos from the 1960’s. With one visit, you knew who Lynn was and what he loved.
A Chevy guy he had a variety of vehicles, but what I loved was the fact that he has this 1958 Mercury Camper that he pulls with a 1958 Chevy truck. One day Lynn hopes to cruise the Route 66 Mother Road.
You can read more about Lynn and his collection in an upcoming article in Farm World in my column Wrenching Tales and in Red Power, but the purpose of this blog is to encourage unscheduled stops and live in the moment. Recently we have lost several loved ones and we have been helping with others. Love and loss makes me realize more than ever before that time is of the essence.
These days I realize there is too much hurrying from point A to point B and not enough diverting. So if you see a sign, or want to see someone do it. Lynn was a wonderful guy, we had a great time and saw things we never would have if we had not hit the road less traveled.