The Village Homestead, inspired by a country farmhouse

It was the first weekend in October when we were traveling to the Spoon River Drive that I spotted The Village Homestead, a compilation of lovely farm buildings spread around a shaded lawn. One octagon shed truly caught my attention. The buildings are pristine and visitors can wonder from one to the other and peak or walk inside.

Located outside the town of Kilbourne, Illinois along Route 97, this unexpected scene totally delighted me. While my husband Keith headed for a tent and tools, I went to check out the small buildings that were filled with antiques, fold art, primitives and hand crafted items.
In the farm house that started it all, Linda Huey said, “This started three years ago. A lady in town, Karen Fornoff, always wanted an antique and craft shop and she always loved this house and sheds.”

Karen Fornoff woman bought the house and continued to bring farm buildings to the site and renovate them. Village Homestead opened in 2013. Saving farm outbuildings is something she had a passion for according to Linda Huey. “She died two years ago and her family, the Fornoff’s kept it going.”
This charming stop of old rescued buildings that have been refurbished and given new life appeal to me on so many levels. First as a farm girl and history fan I love the fact that these buildings still exist and as a shopper and lover of antiques, there is some really neat stuff inside!
One review said just what I was thinking, “This would make a great place for a photo shoot.”
Take your camera and your cash and go! I am, I plan to take my mom who loves antiques and unique shopping experiences as a holiday getaway. If you are traveling Route 97, Village Homestead is open Wed – Sunday. Check out their Facebook page for details.