Wrapping up the Twelve Days of Christmas – Gifts From Ann Arobor

Recently I went on a press trip to Ann Arbor Michigan and visited this sophisticated city with small town charm. I also visited some of the nearby areas and was so charmed that I have been sharing gift ideas with the theme Twelve Day’s of Christmas in Ann Arbor!
On the first day of Christmas ideas from Ann Arbor, I suggested a stay at the beautiful Graduate Hotel and on the second day of Christmas the gift of a play at actor Jeff Daniel’s Purple Rose Theatre, these were in my two previous posts.
Read on to see if a partridge or five golden rings find their way into days 3-12!
Day 3 & 4-The History Track!
Beautiful Ann Arbor is filled with history and in nearby Belleville, Michigan for the 3rd day of Christmas a trip to the Yankee Air Museum may be in order for your history buff. The musuem is located at the Willow Run Airport and the museum tells the story of the contribution the automotive industry made to the war effort. Between 1942-1945 Willow Run produced 8,685 B24 Bombers. It was the largest industrial facility in the world at its time and by applying Henry Ford’s mass production efforts they were able to supply bombers and turn the tide of the war. The 4th Day of Christmas is a gift that was the highlight of my trip to the area, a ride on the Douglas C-47 Skytrain.
You too can provide your World War enthusiast with a ride on this plane that was one of the primary transport crafts used by Allies in the War. While I rode on the C-47, rides are also available May to October on a B-17, B-25, C-47 and a WACO biplane. Finding flying warbirds is a hard thing to do and your history buff will be thrilled! Log onto www.yankeeairmuseum.org to find the right ride and more information about the museum.
Day 5 and 6 Fustini’s. For the gourmet cook, a trip to Fustini’s a Michigan a based company that specializes in olive oils and balsamic vinegars – may be in order. Think an hour cooking class, call ahead and book one today! During my class, our chef prepared several dishes and showed ways to use oils and vinegars in ways I never thought possible. The health benefits as well as taste benefits were wonderful and flavorful and simple. For Day 6, so your beloved can take home their newly acquired cooking knowledge, add in a Fustini Cook Book and olive oil or balsamic vinegar sample pack. Log onto www.fustinis.com for details.
Day 7 and 8 Christmas ideas in Ann Arbor follow the football fan. Did you know that you can tour the Big House stadium at the University of Michigan? Built in 1927 it is now the largest stadium in the US with a seating capacity of 109,901. The guide will take you through the stadium and for me the highlight was standing in the middle of the football field. You can almost hear the crowd call your name! For day 8, think game, make plans to return for a football game and live the game now through the eyes of the players, you will know what it is like (kind of) because you stood where they stood and walked where they walked. Log onto mobile.com for details!
Day 9 and 10 it’s all about the tea! I don’t drink coffee, I drink tea. Sitting in my kitchen right now, I can look up and see tea pots over my windows and my counter is decorated with Christmas tea pots for the season. At the Tea Haus, a wonderful tea store and cafe Lisa McDonald, a certified tea sommelier provided us with a tea class. For your beloved, book an English tea, and have the three-tiered service brought to your able with white china and linens. While I was not able to partake in the full tea, I sampled some of the wonderful offerings at the Tea Haus and that brings us to gift idea # 10 from Ann Arbor, a selection of Moroccan Tea Glasses. I bought some of these beauties for myself, Merry Christmas to me! Log onto www.teahaus.com for more information.
The 11th Day of Christmas is for art. Antiques and collectibles abound in the nearby town of Ypsilanti. For the serious antique lover looking for a European antiques and furniture a trip to Schmidt’s Antiques is in order and for those looking for the perfect stained glass, head on the Material’s Unlimited which is also nearby. This is one of those set a limit, and take your beloved’s hand and let them pick their own prize!
Day 12 is for the the auto buff. The Ypsilanti Automotive Heritage Museum was a Hudson Sales Dealership from 1927 until 1955. They sold Hudson, Exxex and Terraplane cars. For those with beloved’ s like mine that like the farm history, there is also Kaiser Frazier history at this wonderful museum that is much larger than it looks. Besides the Hudson history they also have cars from the Willow Run Plant. The museum also sports a Tucker and when we were there I was able to pose in a Dolorean! Log onto www.ypsiautoheritage.org for more information.
These are just a few of the things to see and do and experience in the Ann Arbor area. This didn’t even touch where to dine and entertainment options. What better gift than a weekend away. The Ann Arbor and area beyond is a gem, share it with your gem and you will have scored higher than the five golden rings!