Daybreak in Indiana, Book Review

I love history and I am all about the Midwest so when I got the opportunity to review Carol Walls Howell’s new book Daybreak in Indiana, I jumped right aboard. Carol Howell is a former high school and elementary music teacher that worked on her librarian degree and she served as both a combination librarian and music teacher. She lives on a small farm in Missouri with her husband Carl.
Her rural roots and love of history comes across loud and clear in this story about the Patterson’s of Reed’s Crossing Missouri who leave in 1837 to claim new land in Indiana. The story covers the Patterson family and their friends and family and their lives as they travel across the Midwest and face challenges and find God’s love in the most unexpected places.
I love how the story incorporates the fact that in those times people worked together to lift a hand when needed bonding them in a way that is hard to come by in the isolation of our social media driven society today. Howell however does not create a sweet, everything goes right story, because that is now how life is. Her story is filled with triumphs, but also with tragedy as well making it believable as well as heart melting.
Published by Life Rich Publishing you can find out more details and how to get your own copy at Reading Daybreak in Indian makes me want to read the first story, Sunset in Kentucky which was the beginning of this series.
Note: This book was provided to me free to review, but no money changed hands and the opinion expressed is my own.
Carol Howell
Thank you for your kind review of this book. It is so important to me to know that I have touched others with my desire to write. Connect me with others that may also enjoy the story.
Thank you, Carol
You are welcome, thanks for sharing it with me!