Girl’s Night Out – Loving the Local Scene!

Girl’s Night Out started with my mom’s crowd. The credit actually goes to my mom’s friend Bobbie Meidel. I don’t know how many years ago, Bobbie started gathering church friends and others to go out the first Monday night of the month and they dubbed it GNO or Girl’s Night Out!
What do they do on Girl’s Night Out?
The premise is kind of like an old time date. The “girls” get together and go to dinner and a movie. The movie is selected sometimes loved, other times not, but the cinematic choice gets discussed or forgotten in visits over a meal.

Dinner choice varies from the tried and true chains – to the wonderful and my favorite – the mom and pop and local places that you can’t find outside your town. I’ve been to new and different places. I have met a whole array of new people through this fun group.
Who can join?
This is what makes this so special to me. Anyone can come. You can invite your friend, sister or whoever. This is not a selective group that is cliquish, everyone is welcome and accepted.
I was added in just because of my mother. Through that, our friend Rose and her friend Janie sometimes join in. The group grows and wans, it is the nature of time, and the toil of health and age. Plus, busy schedules also make a difference, at least in my case I know.
Can’t make both its okay!
Don’t want to go to the movie, but want to do dinner? That’s alright. Don’t want to go to dinner, but want to go to the movie, well that’s okay too. Everyone that adds someone to the list is just responsible for sharing the information with that person, then relaying it back to Bobbie so she can plan accordingly.
Thank you Bobbie!
Starting our own version
My sister had the idea that we should do this as well. So, she and I and my mom and daughters decided to start our own dining version. Once a month (or six weeks when things are crazy) we try to get together for dinner. Whoever can make it comes. This allows us at least my mom, sister and I to spend quality time together. My grand daughter Lilly often comes and sometimes grandson Cade gets in on the action as well!
With everyone working and having busy lives, it helps to reconnect. Does everyone always make it? No, but it clicks often enough to keep up the effort.
Besides the obvious fact of family (or friends) getting together, there is the enjoyment of the local establishments. Too often we forget about the great places in our own backyard. Our next family stop to meet is at Gabatoni’s Restaurant & Co one of my very favorite pizza (and Italian food places) in Springfield, Illinois.
I often write about the places to dine when I travel and I must admit, Springfield and the surrounding area has lots of really good places as well.
Weather, cost and time can cut into travel but with great local options, you can still have a great girl’s night out!
Girl’s night out doesn’t always have to be a crowd. Recently I met up with a longtime friend of mine and we ate at another local favorite, Lake Point Grill. I’ve never had a bad meal there! Everything was great, the food and reconnecting with my high school friend!
What about you?
What places are in your neck of the woods that you have been missing? Plan a get together with someone then make a regular date to do it.
I have another friend, Annie Jansen, we plan a day of touring once a month or six weeks. We live about two hours away and meet somewhere in the middle. We have been doing this for about two or so years now and it works out great.
Just get the calendar out and plan a girls (or boys) night out of your own!