Speaking from the Heart

In recent days I’ve seen Facebook groups sharing hearts and adding smiles to make people happy during this health scare. This time of isolation is surely an emotional roller coaster ride for us all but things like the hearts, the ribbons and the acts of kindness sure help us remember the goodness we all crave a bit more these days. I think its time to take a step back and speak from the heart and just lay it on the line.
Say Thank You
Everyone is giving so much, taking so many chances to get through this health scare. I told the woman at the grocery store last Friday, thank you for being here. I don’t know if she knew how much I appreciated her standing there behind the plastic shield adding up first my groceries, then my mom’s, but I did. It would have been much easier for her to be home safe, away from all the people and the germs. It is easy to remember the nurses, doctors, EMT’s and front line healthcare workers, but what about the gas station attendants, the diner cooks and cashiers carrying out our meals, and all the essential workers showing up everyday on the job. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Say I Love You
Many of us are crammed into houses together. Some with kids at home trying to teach classes, or make sure kids take their classes while they work, or worse look for jobs. Whether alone and just interacting over the phone, or Facetiming like I’ve been doing with mom, it sure helps to hear I Love You a time or two, I don’t think we get tired of it. At least I sure don’t.
Speak to God
Whatever your religion or faith, now is the time to turn to God and pray for guidance. Ask God for what you need and for help.
I have found great comfort doing a daily phone Bible study with an old friend that I reconnected with on Instagram. While it hasn’t worked out every single day, it is amazing how many times we have been able to connect and have Bible study and it has strengthened my faith immensely. God is with us during these challenging times and although it is hard to believe, there will be an end.
Mend a fence or two
Sometimes there is nothing that can be done I know that is true. But other times all it takes is a conversation about what went wrong between a friend, a mother, father, sister or brother. Now might be the time to make that call you never had the time to before. If you are afraid to say I’m sorry on the phone, send a letter, from the heart, there is truly time to put your words, kind words in print right now. No one can fault you for trying to bridge a gap.
Yes, we have this once in a lifetime moment where we are all sitting in one place to speak from the heart. Say it straight and be a little kinder, a little more loving, and maybe come out of this a little better person than preCOVID-19. Read my blog about travel after COVID.