Bible Grove & a Tractor show

Last weekend Keith and I met our friends Kent and Jane Elliott. We came to Bible Grove, Illinois for a tractor show. This offered two momentous occasions during this Pandemic. One, meeting up with friends! Two, going to a tractor show!
Bible Grove the town!
The name of the town Bible Grove is fascinating. A group of hunters found a Bible in a grove and they named the town from that event. Then the streets in the town all have Bible names! The town is located about 20 minutes south of Effingham, Illinois.
Prairie Days Antique Tractor & Machinery Show
The Prairie Days Antique Tractor & Machinery Show was a new show for us. Kent and Jane had been here several times. I can’t believe we didn’t know about a show in central Illinois not that far from home! Plus, this was the 24th show!

Case was the featured tractor. There were several tractors on display with three rows of tractors. Best of all were field demonstrations. There were not many people (at least when we were present) so everyone was socially distanced.
County Line Sod Busters Club
The County Line Sod Busters is the club that hosted the show. We met Johnny Bob Hollar and his wife Carolyn who are the Vice President and Secretary of the show. Jane has a knack for meeting any and everyone. She had struck up a conversation and got us a ride on John Hollars Allis Chalmers CA tractor with his custom built seat on back!

The Hollars are Allis Chalmers collectors. The would have enjoyed the Father’s Day show we attended earlier this year in Amana Colonies! Besides the CA, they also had an amazing half scale One-Ninety Allis Chalmers lawn and garden tractor!
Visiting with John and Carolyn they told us the story of the club. We learned a kind woman named Lorraine West owned the ground where the show is held. Through her grandson, she ensured that the club can continue to have shows on the property year after year.
Carolyn and John gave us show details that will be in an upcoming issue of Farm World.
The Shade Tree
It was a hot day! But, we found a shade tree where we set up our chairs and passed the time with our new friends the Hollars and old friends the Elliotts.
A little tractors, a little talk, an idyllic town like Bible Grove and there you have a good day!
You were destined to meet John and Carolyn, they are wonderful people and easy to get to know!
Bryan West
I am one of the grandsons, founding president of the club and current no-show chairman. Thanks for coming out and I’m glad you enjoyed the show.
It was a wonderful show, I was so glad to learn about it!
Jennifer Ciha
Looks like a great time!
It was! Neat town with a fun show!
This reminds me of when I was little and would spend time on the farm with my grandpa. I’m not sure why- it’s not the same thing but I loved riding along in his tractor. Looks like you had a fun day!
I’m like you – continually being surprised to find gems close to home that I’d never known about. Good thing you found out about this event!
Yes, it was a keeper show!