Art & history in Hazel Kentucky

It seems like creativity flows when you head south. It is easy to picture tall tales and folk art and stories like when my husband Keith and I stopped at a sculpture at the state line between Tennessee and Kentucky. This was the entry into the town of Hazel, Kentucky.
The Statue

Denoting this grand occasion is a statue of two historic figures shaking hands. Daniel Boone (representing Kentucky) and Davy Crockett (representing Tennessee) shaking hands. This folk-art statue of the two legends holding their rifles in their other hands also has their hunting dogs at their feet. I had to stop and get a picture, in fact, rather, I made Keith do a turn around to get a better look. Then to my delight, is a there place to take insert your face in a Daniel Boone cutout. Beneath it is a sign that says, “Daniel Boone kilt a Bar Rat here in Hazel Kentucky”.

Soon, the artist Glenn Earl Newman, came out to greet us. This Louisiana born folk artist charmed us. He creates art then compelling tall tales of bayou animals and such to go with them. I bought a wonderful print and the story of, The Low Rider’s that was all about a 12-year-old buying a pink Cadillac and the swamp animals driving it around at night. It was a fun twist with colorful art. Growing up on a 100-acre strawberry farm, he lived this magical life. We left with blessed beads, art and pictures!
Hazel Kentucky

Once upon a time Hazel was known as the antique capital with antique stores open everywhere. This is still true of Mantiques a big mall with over 30 vendors. Keith was quite taken with the amazing signs and more. We wondered about for quite some time in this town. The gentleman manning the cash register in front said that many of the other stores have closed due to various reasons so there are not as many stores open anymore. This was the only one we stopped in that we were sure was open.
Patti’s Settlement and Land Between the Lakes
With art and antiques on our mind we headed past Paris, Tennessee, Land Between the Lakes onto Patti’s 1881 Settlement and ate to our hearts content before heading on home. Traveling south allows the mind to wander and dream. Good food, great stories, shopping and history made our wending our way home worthwhile!