Five in One Fire Extinguisher

I’m always concerned about safety at home and on the road, so I was happy to receive this LifeSafe Technolgies Fire Extinguisher to review. After receiving it, I thought it was worth the mention because of the lightweight handheld nature of the product!

The extinguisher will put out five different types of fires, electrical, cooking oil, petrol/diesel, textiles, and paper/card. To me, this was a big plus!

I placed my LifeSafe Technolgies Fire Extinguisher in my kitchen, and you can put it in any room of the home. This is wonderful for a senior because it is not as heavy as a regular fire extinguisher. On the directions it says to empty the entire contents and that the contents are not hazardous. I want to get my mom this product for her home and would like to get one for my car for travel as well.

fire extinguiser
Light weight and easy to use!

Make sure to take fire safety precautions in your home! Writing about safety, I think this is something easy to miss and forget, then the heavy aspect of the extinguishers in many cases for older adults wipes out the use of the extinguishers. This little can erases that problem.

I have not tried to put out a fire with this but hope it will do its job when needed!

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