Summer of Tractor Drives

This is a summer of tractor drives. First, we had a family tractor drive with many members of the Ladage Family. We gathered whatever family along with their tractor, and they had this impromptu event. The day provided comradery, and a lot of family photos for the ages. One of Keith’s cousins made the comment, “We should do this every year.”

Ag Corps Tractor Drive for a Cause
One of the best things about the tractor shows and tractor drives is often a chance to donate to important causes. Last Sunday, my husband Keith and a few of our good friends were on the drive. This event was put on by the Ansar Ag Corps Tractor Drive for a Cause. Donations went toward local hospitals. The drive started at the Calvin Elder Farm in Mt. Auburn, Ilinois.
Sibley Burr Oak Tractor Drive
This summer was the Sibley Burr Oak tractor Drive. This fun drive was started 19 years ago by Russ Tjarks. It was started to raise money and awareness for cancer. This was when his sister Shirley Abel was suffering from cancer. There were several tractors in the ride including the Purple Cancer Eater. “Purple is the “all cancer” color,” Russ said.

The purple Farmall H was restored and painted by the Fairbury, FFA. The group stopped at a campsite called Ziegenhorn Timber. This lovely property just outside Fairbury, belonged to the Ziegenhorn family. They originally immigrated to the US from Germany. The family farmed this land. For 53 years, they also had a John Deere dealership. Steve Ziegenhorn bought the property when it was auctioned. Keeping the timber, he opened the land for fishing, camping and family outings. Ziegenhorn Timber is also a place for cabin rentals and special events. Steve shared the rich farming history of his family with the tractor group.

Historic Days
At the I & I Historic Days show, they featured John Deere tractors. Along with celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Introduction of the “D” Tractor and “E” Engine. During the show, the John Deere D’s had a tractor drive through the grounds.

Franklin Tractor Drive
On 4th of July, Keith joined in the Franklin Tractor Drive. This is an event originally set up by Doug Edwards and Josh Adkins. The drive goes through the town of Franklin and winds around beautiful scenery. This fun drive ends up at the Jim Edwards home. Flags fly proudly from many tractors on this Independence Day Franklin Tractor Drive day.
Divy Block Party
The Divernon, Illinois block party is a pretty new annual event held in Keith’s hometown. The Divy Block Party was the second weekend in July. This year in the parade around the square, they included, you guessed it, tractors. Another opportunity for the Ladage Boys and other friends to tractor drive and parade.

The John & Bud Drive

This was a drive about friendship and fun. The main reason for the drive was an opportunity for John and Bud to be in a drive together. Both missed the Franklin Drive. They were sad about no upcoming tractor drives, so the gang created their own. Driving from Glenarm, at times on historic Route 66. Also, on the short drive they passed the Cumberland Sugar Creek cemetery. Here Job Fletcher, one of the Long Nine members, and John’s parents and family members are buried. They ate lunch at Tony’s. Then headed back stopping for a photo op at the Sugar Creek Covered Bridge.

Keith covered the friendship with this quip. “These two gentlemen are Bud Redeford and John Atchison. One farmed with John Deere the other one with International Farmall. One drives Fords the other one drives Chevrolets. One roots for the Cardinals, the other for the Cubs. They are living proof that you can be friends for over 80 years even if you don’t agree on everything!”
This was the first tractor drive for friend Marc Bourne who recently retired! Congratulations to Marc!
Half Century of Progress Tractor Drive
For the first time, Keith is going to try out the tractor drive for the Half Century of Progress. This granddaddy tractor event in Rantoul, Illinois. It is the largest working farm show in the US. The drive is a great way to kick off this one-of-a-kind show. This show draws visitors from all over the US, and even around the world. Be sure to stop at the Half Century of Progress show.
After the Century of Progress, the Farmall tractors will be parading from the Rantoul airport to Decatur at the site of the Farm Progress Show!
Tractor drives are for fun. Drives are for a cause. Sometimes they are just for a chance to rev up the engine on old iron! Where is your tractor drive, and what did you celebrate?