Chautauqua Building in Shelbyville, Illinois
Read about the renovated Chautauqua Auditorium in Shelbyville, Illinois. The history behind this architectural masterpiece is fascinating!
Read about the renovated Chautauqua Auditorium in Shelbyville, Illinois. The history behind this architectural masterpiece is fascinating!
Tonight, I went to the Maundy Thursday service at our Lutheran Church. Tomorrow is Good Friday. Sunday we will celebrate the holiest day…
Read my review of An Encounter, A Daily Discovery in Divine Word by Father Maurice Nkem Emelu. Volume II &III is for the Lenten Season.
This year besides the turkey and trimmings I am thankful for the fixers in my life, those than can fix the things that are broken!
Visit the Dyess Colony and Johnny Cash boyhood home to learn the agricultural influences that helped craft Johnny Cash’s music and life!