Pearl Harbor's Arizona Memorial and the Missouri

Today I bought my first few Christmas presents and I also met up with a friend to get a few copies of pictures of her dad and his good friend from when they served together in the Merchant Marines during World War II.  I am finishing up a story for Senior News &Times about our visit to Pearl Harbor and the Missouri last January and the service of the two friends during the War reminded me of the upcoming anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. 

Along with the presents we buy and the celebrations we experience I think we need to remember Pearl Harbor Day and say thanks to those that sacrificed and served for our freedom. There is nothing quite as sobering as visiting the Arizona Memorial where US war dead still lie in a watery grave beneath the hull and standing on the deck of the Missouri where Japan surrendered to the Allied Forces.

No words can express the feelings that my husband Keith, his brother Craig and wife Debbie and our friend Curt Fishburn all witnessed.  Moving is a catch phrase that doesn’t cover the emotions of both sites.  If you get a chance visit the Pearl Harbor,it is a visit you will always remember




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