The harvest stopping show

As a farmer’s wife, I know there are not many times that he will shut down the combine but a short morning trip to the Jacksonville Steam show is one time he will. As long as we are ahead of the game, it is an annual trek to head out to the Prairieland Museum grounds and soak up the tractors and the huge flea market where he usually spies a bargain or two. This year though I admit to hitting it big with some doll clothes that will fit the American Girl doll my grand daughter just got for her 5th Birthday. A cute coat, hat, boots and of course purse and PJ’s later, I was set. He had a bit of literature, a wrench and I don’t know what else before we high tailed it back home to the fields.
Allis Chalmers was the featured tractor at this years event. Keith’s favorite was am AC potato special, but I was quite taken with the Palamino Roof tractor that looks like a jeep. I admit it, I want a jeep. I have one, but it hasn’t made it through the to do list in the farmer’s shed. Hopefully this winter it will top the list.
The show offered great weather and a chance for a last tractor show fling before the snow flies. The toy season is just around the corner!
The grounds of the Prairieland Museum offers some beautiful buildings like the Jacksonville Bandstand built in the late 1890’s. While there is no one in the office to take calls, Bob Kominck will take appointments to open up the museum that offers a wide array of farm equipment.. He can be reached at 217-494-2193. Log onto for more information.