Echoe’s of Edisto – a home run

I received a review copy of Echoes of Edisto the day before heading out on a trip to Barnacopia a combination AG museum and B&B. I had loved the previous island mystery I had read and honestly put aside another book I was reviewing in favor of Clark’s easy to read fiction.
I started Echoes of Edisto the night before we left on our trip and barely put it down until I finished it tonight long after I should have been sound asleep. C. Hope Clark’s Edisto series brings you right into Edisto Island, a beach paradise.
In this latest novel we find Chief Callie Jean Morgan, the newly sworn in police chief has returned home and plans on a simple life without any major crime to upset the apple cart in this relatively quiet beachside town. Not even three weeks into her tenure, however, she is caught up in a new murder on the beach that sucks her in both in a professional and personal manner. The story weaves in and out with family twists, professional concerns, romance hurdles plus murder and mayhem. For a while I couldn’t see how Clark was going to ever pull the different strings of the story together, but by the end she had it all tied up and me saying, “Oh”.
So that I don’t ruin it, I won’t say anything about the plot, but the hero, Morgan has demons of her own she is trying to leave behind while raising a son that at times is raising her. Morgan is no saint, but she is likable and you find yourself wishing the best for her. This is a great read to take on the road. I always have a book with me when traveling and this was a quick read or at least it was for me because I barely put it down.
More about Clark and her island mysteries can be found at Echoes of Edisto is available on Amazon.
Yes and by the way, Barnacopia was amazing!
C. Hope Clark
Thanks so much for reading!!!! And for the great review!
It was a great read!