Le Sueur Swap Meet, Unexpected finds every time!

This was the 40th year for the Le Sueur Swap Meet. I have been a couple times and I am always surprised by what you find. This is a show that we never know if we will be attending or not, it just depends on the fieldwork. This year it worked out so we headed north to cooool (did I say nanook!) temperatures, but clear skies for the meet.
We attended the first day with approximately 700 vendors set up around the huge show grounds and no golf carts available, there was a lot of ground to cover. Seven miles later, we had seen a lot, but I admit not all!
What we did see though was fun, interesting and in some cases bizarre. One of the first things I saw was what would have been lovely on my back porch, an arch with detailed curley ques and neat architecture, but I’m not sure if it would fit, so we passed on by. There were snowmobiles, tractor parts, wheels, tools, (and did I say tractor parts?) literature, memorabilia, collectibles, toys, dishes, and everything in between.
So, you are thinking that doesn’t make this much different than any other flea market, however, have you ever seen a golf club tree? Me either, we took a picture and sent it to our oldest daughter teasing that it was a Christmas present for her husband. She wasn’t amused. For a redneck golf shop though, this would be the cat’s meow.
The most unusual item that I saw all day though was what the gentleman referred to as a James Bond like watercraft that could drag divers out to a reef, or pull someone on a float etc. It is a small spaceship looking craft that is evidently quite rare.
There was a lot of lawn and garden equipment available and if someone was handy, they could have picked up a lawn and garden tractor, tinkered with it and had it up and running pretty quickly. The best use of the lawn and garden tractors though by far, was by the kids that were hauling items to the cars for visitors at the swap. We purchased a very neat sled that has been converted to a coffee table (its neat I promise) and the young man that helped us said it was his 80th trip so far and this was around noon. For $5.00 a trip, the cash would begin to add up and I’m sure he got a few extra tips just because. Our driver was a senior with plans to go into robotics. My bet is the young entrepreneur will do it and come up with something awesome down the road.
At the end of a show, my husband always asked what was the favorite thing we saw, so for a wrap, my favorite tractor was a Snow Cat, my favorite vehicle a cool Mac truck, and my favorite get around vehicle was a converted bean spraying buggy. However, best of all was spending a few days with the hubby and watching the stress of farming roll off his shoulders. That is, until we drove home to five inches of rain!
Oh well, that’s farming.
If you want to attend a fun event where anything goes, the Le Sueur Swap meet is it!