The Pumpkin Harvest

Pumpkin Harvest!
Father’s Day every year round about
The grandkids come to the farm.
Grandpa and Lilly and Cade
Plant pumpkins in the garden. It is a tradition!
Part of father’s day.
They come fall, when the air starts to quicken
and the corn starts to turn.
They pick pumpkins.
This year Lilly was sad to pick her pumpkin.
“I don’t want summer to end,” she said.
They took home two big pumpkins
and we waited for the others to ripen.
Today we picked the rest because it was time.
The corn is almost ready
days are shortening and temperatures are cooling.
Glorious fall is upon us
And the pumpkin harvest is now!
No matter what pumpkin patch I visit
What corn field I see in my travels
This will be my favorite
Because it was filled with the love of a grandpa
And his grandchildren and a little dirt on their hands.
Do you have a tradition
That sets fall apart?
And makes it special for you?