Civil War Soldier Boy – a Statue

I saw your solider statue today
At the Cumberland Sugar Creek cemetery
Where you stood so tall
Your back against the sun.
Boys, men, brothers, fathers and sons
A soldier, divided in thoughts, divided in devotions
Fought in a nation that was torn in two.
But you only wanted to ensure
Freedom for all and you did your job.
All you wanted
Sorrow, and devotion, come rain or shine
disease, bayonet or screaming mini balls whizzing by,
Was to come home after serving God and country
All in one piece
Back to Illinois
Where the prairie grass waved
and your sweetheart waited for you.
Note you can find this statue of the Civil War solider at Cumberland Cemetery near Auburn, Illinois. A Presbyterian Church built in 1824 was once located at the cemetery, it has since been torn down.
If you enjoyed this, here is another blog about Civil War history at Stagville.