Focus on Farm Progress

For antique tractor events, collectors right now have all eyes turned toward the Half Century of Progress 2021. But, next week, the Farm Progress Show will have their Antique Row filled with old iron beauties. The Farm Progress Show starts August 31, 2021 and continues until September 2nd. This is the 9th show at the Decatur location.

Today I was at the 2021 Farm Progress Media Day representing Farm World and my blog. While they were sharing all the new innovations, like the Raven autonomous technology that is ready to head the the fields, they also mentioned Antique Row! There was no Farm Progress Show last year, but, staff said that technology didn’t stand still. Companies can’t wait to share their latest innovations. Don Tourte of Farm Progress said, “Technology has never stopped and now we can make up for lost time.”
John Deere has several new innovations last year, but Don said, “No one has seen them.”
Don expects people from every state to attend this year’s event. However, they do expect a lag in the International Audience.
Lee Brice will present a free concert on Wednesday at 5:30 and it will end before dark. One of the major highlights is that FBI is building a structure. The building is built ground up. It is fascinating to see. They lift the walls from underneath.
Information booths are being staffed by volunteers from Holy Cross Lutheran Church like in years past. Each morning will begin at 8:30 a.m. with a program and the National Anthem, which I think is awesome! To find bathrooms and food courts look for the light towers. That is also where you will find Internet.
Two of the host farm families were at the tour event, Mark Pardutt and Jeff and Nancy Zinn.

Antique Tractors
Big Bud will be at the show at the Titan tent! Dena Morgan of the Farm Progress Show said that the East Central Two-Cylinder Club and Heartland Oliver Collectors will be at the show with their antique tractors. “Usually exhibitors also have farm toys in their shops as well and AGCO will have some too. The Farm Progress Show doesn’t have toys this year though,” she said.

“Antique Row will be located on Iowa Street,” Dena added.
Covid News
One nice thing is that in tents air scrubbers will be in many. They have a new ionizing action that the manufacturer claims removes the COVID virus! Also have a mask in case vendors require you to wear a mask in a tent. Most things are out doors, but be prepared.
For animal lovers, there are horse training demos. DOCK dogs will also be on hand.
Tickets can be purchased ahead of time online you can get $5.00 off online at the Farm Progress website. Also I-72 between Cisco and Argenta especially has construction so be prepared. Patience is a virtue. If bringing golf carts it is $80 a day and you need to register at Gate 1. No golf carts are left to register.
From Half Century to Farm Progress, fall it is a coming and summer is waning. We wait all year for these events, enjoy them while they are here!