Jack-O-Lantern Halloween Trivia!

Halloween was originally a Celtic tradition. While we all know that it is a time to dress up and share candy and carve pumkins otherwise known as Jack-O-Lanterns, what else do we know? The holiday might need a bit of education. Here is a bit of Jack-O-Lantern Halloween Trivia!

Questions about Halloween Trivia are below and the answers are at the bottom!
- What state is # 1 in raising pumpkins?
- Which country did using pumpkins originate in?
- What religious holiday is Halloween named after?
- Are all pumpkins orange?
- When did Halloween costumes start being manufactured in the US?
Answers for are below!
- Illinois
- Ireland
- All Hallow’s Eve
- No they can be white, red, yellow, tan and even blue.
- Not until the 1920’s
These are just a few fun Halloween facts to enjoy this spooky holiday with!