Make Your Own Music

A picture of the Uilleann pipes, the bag pipe of Ireland. According to our guide on our trip, the English at one time forbade the Irish to use any wind instruments so they created this instrument that didn’t use the mouth. We saw this lovely statue in Galaway!

Read my poem that this instrument’s music inspired.

Make Your Own Music

I waited for the music

But the quiet was all I heard.

I saw the drums, the guitar, the Irish pipes

And the microphones set up.

The stage was set for entry, but the songs were all played out.

There were no musicians for the instruments

Just chords waiting to be played.

That’s how life is.

A stage set


For us to play the song we wrote

To the harmony we sing with others

Those we blend with

Our perfect notes.

No song will play without us

No music will come forth

An instrument without a musician

Is just a museum piece

Just an empty note.

Make your own music

Play your song.

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