Little Green and the Hobbs!

Little Green
Don and Amanda Hobbs set up with Litte Green.

Amanda and Don Hobbs of Williamsport, Indiana bought the John Deere children’s magazine Little Green from Richard and Carol Hain of Green Magazine. The Hobbs will be celebrating their 1st year anniversary of the publication in November! Congratulations!

Jane Auman and I have been writing the little tractor stories since the beginning. We have been enjoying the chance to continue with their adventures. Amanda was set up in Albert City, Iowa at the Classic Green show this past August. I got the chance to interview her about her journey with Little Green!

Amanda and Don

Amanda is originally an Illinois girl. She said she grew up near Penfield, Illinois and enjoyed being part of the Friends of Green group and the Historic Days show. “We moved to the family farm in Junior High near Penfield. I went to K-8 at the Penfield grade school.”

This is fascinating to those of us that have only seen the grade school as the museum and meeting aspect of the I & I Club! What a neat history. Amanda’s younger sisters attended part of their elementary school years at Penfield, and the other at nearby Gifford.

Amanda graduated in 1989. She added she thinks the class of 91 was the last class at Penfield elementary. Amanda went on to be involved in agriculture as ag Ag teacher. “I taught for nine years in Rantoul and Rossville, Illinois.”

This March, Amanda and Don will be married for 15 years. Dan is a tractor collector so he has been involved in the antique tractor collecting hobby for years. “Dan has lots of tractors, his grandpa liked red, and his dad liked green. So, he likes the best in all of them. He can tell you the best features of either. He grew up on a farm,” Amanda added.

Little Green

”Dan had subscribed to Little Green. He heard (at the Classic Green show) in Lebanon, Tennessee that they were closing down,” Amanda said. Seeing the importance of the magazine, and the opportunity for young collectors to have their own publication, Amanda appreciated what the Hain’s offered kids for years. She hated to see it end.

”Dan said, call and see if you can continue Litte Green, and they said yes.,” Amanda explained. With a lot to think about, and a lot of effort, the Jan/Feb 2024 issue, her first, came out in late February. ”I had to get the pictures just right,” Amand said. It is the love of the farm and the memories that spur her on!

”I want kids to have their grandpa and grandma’s interest in the farm. I want farm enthusiasts to have something to look forward too” she said. She allows farm kids and kids from all walks of life to have the opportunity to learn about life on the farm through Little Green.

The Journey

”I’ve met a lot of great people,” Amanda said. She added that, “no one says no (about Little Green) because its for kids.” Amanda says we need to share so that the kids, “coming up through the ranks will want the same things.”

Getting the word out, Amanda has been setting up at tractor shows and clubs. She tells us the importance of this publication. It is like the churches, if you do’t see kids there, soon you wont have anyone.” The youth literally is our future, and the future of the hobby.

The magazine, though for kids is also a great collectible for antique tractor collectors as well. Think about those early Wallaces Farmers and other magazines. Today you look for today! Little Green will be among them in the future!

Encoraging kids to read, sharing the farm stories is what it is all about. “Deep down, I think every kid likes to read,” Amanda said. “You just need to find the right things.”

Plus it is the story! “Everyone who collects has value to share, everyone has a story.” Little Green is a chance for your friend’s child, or your child or grandchild to tell their story! Little Green is available online, check out their website today!

As for me and Jane, we have already met. We came up with a variety of adventures for Little Green, Harvey Harvester, Mollie Moline and the rest of the gang to get involved with. Read about the little tractors and more in upcoming issues. Thank you Don and Amanda that young ones can still experience this wonderful journey that Richard and Carol Hain began.

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